Tag Archives: OptionSetValue

Microsoft Dynamics 365: Counting Sub-grid Records and Enabling Users to Hide Empty Sub-grids

In Microsoft Dynamics 365, we can use sub-grids to present data to users in a tabular format. This is a nice and compact way of displaying data. However, sometimes there is no data in those sub-grids to display and the end users might prefer to get back that space and optimize the space on the form. In this blog post, we cover how we can dynamically obtain the number of records in a sub-grid using JavaScipt and use that information to give end users the flexibility to optimize the space on forms by hiding empty sub-grids.

There are two types of sub-grids on Dynamics 365 forms:

  • Read-only sub-grids: Show data in a tabular format but do not allow users to edit data directly on the sub-grid. To edit the data, users have to double click on the record in the grid to open the form, edit the data, and then save it.
  • Editable sub-grids: Apart from showing data in a tabular format, editable sub-grids offer rich inline editing capabilities on web and mobile clients including the ability to group, sort, and filter data within the same sub-grid so that you do not have to switch records or views. In addition to providing all these extensive editing capabilities, editable sub-grids still honor the read-only sub-grid metadata and field-level security settings as well as the general Microsoft Dynamics 365 security model.

Summary of the key syntax

Here is a high-level summary of the main Microsoft Dynamics 365 JavaScript syntax covered in this blog post.

  • Count the number of records in sub-grid, where <subgridName> is the logical name of the sub-grid :
  • Remove the blank option in an option set, where <optionsetName> is the logical name of the option set:
  • Get the option set’s selected value , where <optionsetName> is the logical name of the option set:
  • Set the selected value of an option set, where <optionsetName> is the logical name of the option set and <value> is the value the option set will be set to:
  • Enable/Disable a field, where <fieldName> is the logical name of the field and <Boolean> can be true or false (i.e. true disables field and false enables it):
  • Hide/Unhide section, where <nameOfTab> is the name of the tab containing the section, <nameOfSection> is the name of the section and <Boolean> can be true or false (i.e. true makes the section visible and false hides the section):
    formContext.ui.tabs.get("<nameOfTab>").sections.get("<nameOfSection>").setVisible( <Boolean>);

Application Example: Enabling Users to Hide Empty Sub-grids

Using the code below, we can give end users the flexibility to optimize the space on forms by hiding empty sub-grids. In the code below, the hideEmptyOfficesSubgrid function is the entry point and is called when saving the form and loading the form.

function hideEmptyOfficesSubgrid(executionContext) {  
    var formContext = executionContext.getFormContext();
    var operationsTabName = "tab_operations";
    var officeGridSectionName = "office_grid_section";
    var officeGridName = "office_subgrid";
    var enableOfficeGridName = "hos_enableofficesgrid";
    var no = 183840000;
    var yes = 183840001;

    setTimeout(function () {
        if (formContext.getControl(officeGridName) != null && formContext.getControl(officeGridName) != undefined) {
            var count = formContext.getControl(officeGridName).getGrid().getTotalRecordCount();
            var enableOfficeGrid = formContext.getAttribute(enableOfficeGridName);
            var enableOfficeGridCtrl = formContext.getControl(enableOfficeGridName);
            var officeGridSection = formContext.ui.tabs.get(operationsTabName).sections.get(officeGridSectionName);
            disableSubgridControlField(count, enableOfficeGridCtrl);
            hideEmptySubgrid(count, enableOfficeGrid, officeGridSection, no, yes);
    }, 5000);      

function disableSubgridControlField(count, subgridCtrlField) {  
    if (count <= 0) 
    else if (count > 0) 

function hideEmptySubgrid(count, subgridCtrlField, subgridSection, no, yes) {  
    if (areTheseTwoInputsIdentical(subgridCtrlField.getValue(), yes)) 
    else if (count <= 0 && (areTheseTwoInputsIdentical(subgridCtrlField.getValue(), no) || subgridCtrlField.getValue() == null)) 
    else if (count > 0 && areTheseTwoInputsIdentical(subgridCtrlField.getValue(), no)) {

function areTheseTwoInputsIdentical(input1, input2) {
    if (input1 == input2) 
        return true;
        return false;

How the code works

In the first image below, the account record is not enabled for Offices (i.e. the value of Enable Office Grid option set is No). Therefore, Offices grid is empty and hidden.
Account record not enabled for Offices sub-grid

After enabling the account record for Offices by changing the value of the option set field, “Enable Offices Grid” to Yes, the Offices sub-grid shows up and we can add offices to the sub-grid as shown below. The “Enable Offices Grid” field controls the appearance and disappearance of the Offices sub-grid.
Account record enabled for Offices sub-grid

As shown in the image above, the Enabled Office Grid option set is locked as soon as we add and save records to the Offices sub-grid. This prevents a scenario of logic inconsistency where an account record has offices in it’s sub-grid and the user proceeds to change the value of the Enable Offices Grid field to No. Therefore, the Enable Office Grid field value can only be changed back to No and hide the Offices grid after the sub-grid emptied up and there are no more records in it. Therefore, using the solution above, end users can be empowered with the option of hiding empty sub-grids and optimize the space on the form.

Microsoft Dynamics 365: The Complete Guide to Getting and Setting Fields Using a Plugin

When extending the Microsoft Dynamics 365 platform, there is often a need to retrieve and/or set field values. In this post, we will cover how to get and set values for the Microsoft Dynamics 365/CRM platform fields using a plugin, developed using the Microsoft C# programming language. You can also develop plugins and perform the operations demonstrated in this post using other .Net platform-supported programming languages. In Dynamics 365, you can create the following types of fields (or datatypes): Single Line of Text, Option Set, MultiSelect Option Set, Two Options, Image, Whole Number, Floating Point Number, Decimal Number, Currency, Multiple Lines of Text, Date and Time, Lookup and Customer.

Plugin Set Up

Here is a plugin setup you can use to implement the field specific code in this post.

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk;

namespace ItsFascinating_Plugins_D365
    public class PreUpdateAccount : IPlugin
        public void Execute(IServiceProvider serviceProvider)
            string pluginMessageUpdate = "update";
            Entity primaryEntity = new Entity();

            if (serviceProvider == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("localContext");

            #region Plugin Setup Variables
            IPluginExecutionContext context = (IPluginExecutionContext)serviceProvider.GetService(typeof(IPluginExecutionContext));
            IOrganizationServiceFactory serviceFactory = (IOrganizationServiceFactory)serviceProvider.GetService(typeof(IOrganizationServiceFactory));
            IOrganizationService service = serviceFactory.CreateOrganizationService(context.InitiatingUserId);
            ITracingService tracingService = (ITracingService)serviceProvider.GetService(typeof(ITracingService));
            #region Validation Prior Execution
            //Exist if plugin if it's not called at stage 20 of the excution pipeline
            if (context.Stage != 20)
                tracingService.Trace("Invalid Stage: Stage = {0}", context.Stage);
            //Exist if plugin if it called for any other operation other than Update 
            if (!context.MessageName.ToLower().Equals(pluginMessageUpdate))
                tracingService.Trace("Invalid Message: MessageName = {0}", context.MessageName);
            #region Plugin Logic
            if (context.InputParameters.Contains("Target") && context.InputParameters["Target"] is Entity)
                    primaryEntity = context.InputParameters["Target"] as Entity;


                catch(Exception ex)
                    throw new InvalidPluginExecutionException(string.Format("Error occured in the PreUpdateAccount plugin: {0}", ex.Message));

Field Specific Code

To use the field specific code below, in the plugin above, copy the code below and paste it below the line “//INSERT THE FIELD SPECIFIC CODE BELOW HERE”, in the Plugin Setup Code section.

Single Line of Text

Here is an example of a Single Line of Text field on a Dynamics 365 form:
Single Line of Text

Here is the C# code for getting and setting the value of a Single Line of Text field (Display Name: “Account Number” | Database Name: “accountnumber”):

//Get and Set Single Line of Text field value
// Display Name: "Account Number" | Database Name: "accountnumber"
string accountNumberFieldLogicalName = "accountnumber";
Object accountNumberObj;
string accountNumber;

//Check if the specified attribute is contained in the internal dictionary before you you try to Get its value
if (primaryEntity.Attributes.TryGetValue(accountNumberFieldLogicalName, out accountNumberObj))
	//Get value of Single Line of Text field
	accountNumber = Convert.ToString(accountNumberObj);

	//Set value of Single Line of Text field
	primaryEntity[accountNumberFieldLogicalName] = "ACC-1000-TV-2019-ON";

Multiple Lines of Text

Here is an example of a Multiple Lines of Text field on a Dynamics 365 form:
Multiple Lines of Text

Here is the C# code for getting and setting the value of a Multiple Lines of Text field (Display Name: “Description” | Database Name: “description”):

//Get and Set Multiple Lines of Text field value
// Display Name: "Description" | Database Name: "description"
string descriptionFieldLogicalName = "description";
Object descriptionObj;
string description;

//Check if the specified attribute is contained in the internal dictionary before you you try to Get its value
if (primaryEntity.Attributes.TryGetValue(descriptionFieldLogicalName, out descriptionObj))
	//Get value of Multiple Lines of Text field
	description = Convert.ToString(descriptionObj);

	//Set value of Multiple Lines of Text field
	primaryEntity[descriptionFieldLogicalName] =
		"To be, or not to be, that is the question: \n" +
		"Whether \'tis nobler in the mind to suffer \n" +
		"The slings and arrows of outrageous fortune, \n" +
		"Or to take Arms against a Sea of troubles, \n" +
		"And by opposing end them: to die, to sleep; \n" +
		"No more; and by a sleep, to say we end \n" +
		"The heart-ache, and the thousand natural shocks \n" +
		"That Flesh is heir to? \'Tis a consummation \n" +
		"Devoutly to be wished.To die, to sleep, \n" +
		"perchance to Dream; aye, there\'s the rub, \n" +
		"For in that sleep of death, what dreams may come, \n" +
		"When we have shuffled off this mortal coil, \n" +
		"Must give us pause.";

Whole Number

Here is an example of a Whole Number field on a Dynamics 365 form:
Whole Number field

Here is the C# code for getting and setting the value of a Whole Number field (Display Name: “Number of Employees” | Database Name: “numberofemployees”):

//Get and Set Whole Number field value
// Display Name: "Number of Employees" | Database Name: "numberofemployees"
string numberOfEmployeesFieldLogicalName = "numberofemployees";
Object numberOfEmployeesObj;
int numberOfEmployees;

//Check if the specified attribute is contained in the internal dictionary before you you try to Get its value
if (primaryEntity.Attributes.TryGetValue(numberOfEmployeesFieldLogicalName, out numberOfEmployeesObj))
	//Get value of Whole Number field
	numberOfEmployees = Convert.ToInt32(numberOfEmployeesObj);

	//Set value of Whole Number field
	primaryEntity[numberOfEmployeesFieldLogicalName] = 120000;

Decimal Number

Here is an example of a Decimal Number field on a Dynamics 365 form:
Decimal Number field

Here is the C# code for getting and setting the value of a Decimal Number field (Display Name: “Exchange Rate” | Database Name: “exchangerate”):

//Get and Set Decimal Number field value
// Display Name: "USD/CAD Exchange Rate" | Database Name: "hos_usdcadexchangerate"
string exchangeRateFieldLogicalName = "hos_usdcadexchangerate";
Object exchangeRateObj;
decimal exchangeRate;

//Check if the specified attribute is contained in the internal dictionary before you you try to Get its value
if (primaryEntity.Attributes.TryGetValue(exchangeRateFieldLogicalName, out exchangeRateObj))
	//Get value of Decimal Number field
	exchangeRate = Convert.ToDecimal(exchangeRateObj);

	//Set value of Decimal Number field
	primaryEntity[exchangeRateFieldLogicalName] = 1.312775;

Floating Point Number

Here are some examples of Floating Number fields on a Dynamics 365 form:
Floating Point Number field

Here is the C# code for getting and setting the value of a Floating Number field (Display Name: “Address 1: Longitude” | Database Name: “address1_longitude”):

//Get and Set Floating Point Number field value
// Display Name: "Address 1: Longitude" | Database Name: "address1_longitude"
string longitudeFieldLogicalName = "address1_longitude";
Object longitudeFieldObj;
float longitudeField;

//Check if the specified attribute is contained in the internal dictionary before you you try to Get its value
if (primaryEntity.Attributes.TryGetValue(longitudeFieldLogicalName, out longitudeFieldObj))
	//Get value of Floating Point Number field
	longitudeField = Convert.ToSingle(longitudeFieldObj);

	//Set value of Floating Point Number field
	primaryEntity[longitudeFieldLogicalName] = -79.387054f;


Here is an example of a Currency field on a Dynamics 365 form:
Currency field

Here is the C# code for getting and setting the value of a Currency field (Display Name: “Annual Revenue” | Database Name: “revenue”):

//Get and Set Currency field value
// Display Name: "Annual Revenue" | Database Name: "revenue"
string revenueFieldLogicalName = "revenue";
Object revenueObj;
decimal revenue;

//Check if the specified attribute is contained in the internal dictionary before you you try to Get its value
if (primaryEntity.Attributes.TryGetValue(revenueFieldLogicalName, out revenueObj))
 //Get value of Currency field                                               
 revenue = ((Money)revenueObj).Value;

 //Set value of Currency field
 primaryEntity[revenueFieldLogicalName] = new Money(10200500800.78m);

Two Options

Here are some examples of Two Options fields on a Dynamics 365 form:
Two Options field

Here is the C# code for getting and setting the value of a Two Options field (Display Name: “Email” | Database Name: “donotemail”):

//Get and Set Two Options field value
// Display Name: "Email" | Database Name: "donotemail"
string dontAllowEmailsFieldLogicalName = "donotemail";
Object dontAllowEmailsObj;
bool dontAllowEmails;

//Check if the specified attribute is contained in the internal dictionary before you you try to Get its value
if (primaryEntity.Attributes.TryGetValue(dontAllowEmailsFieldLogicalName, out dontAllowEmailsObj))
	//Get value of Two Options field                                               
	dontAllowEmails = (bool)dontAllowEmailsObj;

	//Set value of Two Options field
	primaryEntity[dontAllowEmailsFieldLogicalName] = true;

Option Set

Here is an example of an Option Set field on a Dynamics 365 form:
Option Set field

Here is the C# code for getting and setting the value of an Option Set field (Display Name: “Contact Method” | Database Name: “preferredcontactmethodcode”):

//Get and Set Option Set field value
// Display Name: "Contact Method" | Database Name: "preferredcontactmethodcode"
string contactMethodLogicalName = "preferredcontactmethodcode";
Object contactMethodObj;
int contactMethod;

//Check if the specified attribute is contained in the internal dictionary before you you try to Get its value
if (primaryEntity.Attributes.TryGetValue(contactMethodLogicalName, out contactMethodObj))
	//Get value of Option Set field 
	contactMethod = ((OptionSetValue)contactMethodObj).Value;

	//Set value of Option Set field
	primaryEntity[contactMethodLogicalName] = 3;

MultiSelect Option Set

Here is an example of a MultiSelect Option Set field on a Dynamics 365 form:
MultiSelect Option Set field

Here is the C# code for getting and setting the values of a MultiSelect Option Set field (Display Name: “Geographical Areas of Operation” | Database Name: “hos_geographicalareasofoperation”) :

//Get and Set MultiSelect Option Set field value
// Display Name: "Geographical Areas of Operation" | Database Name: "hos_geographicalareasofoperation"
string locationFieldLogicalName = "hos_geographicalareasofoperation";
Object locationFieldObj;
OptionSetValueCollection locationField;

//Check if the specified attribute is contained in the internal dictionary before you you try to Get its value
if (primaryEntity.Attributes.TryGetValue(locationFieldLogicalName, out locationFieldObj))
	//Get the collection of value(s) for MultiSelect Option Set field
	locationField = (OptionSetValueCollection)locationFieldObj;

	//Set collection of value(s) for MultiSelect Option Set field (version 1 - single line implementation)
	primaryEntity[locationFieldLogicalName] = new OptionSetValueCollection(new List<OptionSetValue>() { new OptionSetValue(183840000), new OptionSetValue(183840001), new OptionSetValue(183840003), new OptionSetValue(183840006), new OptionSetValue(183840010) });

	//Set collection of value(s) for MultiSelect Option Set field (version 2 - multiple lines implementation)
	OptionSetValueCollection locationMultiOptionSet = new OptionSetValueCollection();
	locationMultiOptionSet.Add(new OptionSetValue(183840000));
	locationMultiOptionSet.Add(new OptionSetValue(183840001));
	locationMultiOptionSet.Add(new OptionSetValue(183840003));
	locationMultiOptionSet.Add(new OptionSetValue(183840006));
	locationMultiOptionSet.Add(new OptionSetValue(183840010));
	primaryEntity[locationFieldLogicalName] = new OptionSetValueCollection(locationMultiOptionSet);

Date and Time

Here are some examples of Date and Time fields on a Dynamics 365 form:
Date and Time field

Here is the C# code for getting and setting the value of a Date and Time field (Display Name: “Follow Up Date” | Database Name: “hos_followupdate”):

//Get and Set Date and Time field value
// Display Name: "Subscription Start" | Database Name: "hos_subscriptionstart"
// Display Name: "Subscription End" | Database Name: "hos_subscriptionend"
string subscriptionStartLogicalName = "hos_subscriptionstart";
string subscriptionEndLogicalName = "hos_subscriptionend";
Object subscriptionStartdObj;
DateTime subscriptionStart = new DateTime();

//Check if the specified attribute is contained in the internal dictionary before you you try to Get its value
if (primaryEntity.Attributes.TryGetValue(subscriptionStartLogicalName, out subscriptionStartdObj))
	if (subscriptionStartdObj != null)
		//Get value of Date and Time field  
		subscriptionStart = Convert.ToDateTime(subscriptionStartdObj);

		//Set value of Date and Time field   
		primaryEntity[subscriptionEndLogicalName] = subscriptionStart.AddYears(1);
		//If the Subscription Start is null, set the Subscription End as well
		primaryEntity[subscriptionEndLogicalName] = null;


Here is an example of a Lookup field on a Dynamics 365 form:
Lookup field

Here is the C# code for getting and setting the value of a Lookup field (Display Name: “Account Manager” | Database Name: “hos_accountmanager”) :

//Get and Set Lookup field value
// Display Name: "Account Manager" | Database Name: "hos_accountmanager"
string accountManagerLogicalName = "hos_accountmanager";
Object accountManagerObj;
EntityReference accountManager;

//Check if the specified attribute is contained in the internal dictionary before you you try to Get its value
if (primaryEntity.Attributes.TryGetValue(accountManagerLogicalName, out accountManagerObj))
	if (accountManagerObj != null)
		//Get value of a Lookup field and its attributes                                              
		accountManager = (EntityReference)accountManagerObj;
		Guid guid = accountManager.Id;
		string entityName = accountManager.LogicalName;
		string name = accountManager.Name;

		//Set value of a Lookup field and its attributes                        
		primaryEntity[accountManagerLogicalName] = new EntityReference("systemuser", new Guid("A6AF4DAB-10C4-E911-A2E2-005056AE4389"));


Here is an example of a Customer field on a Dynamics 365 form:
Customer field

Here is the C# code for getting and setting the value of a Customer field (Display Name: “Main Customer” | Database Name: “hos_maincustomer”):

//Get and Set Customer field value
// Display Name: "Main Customer" | Database Name: "hos_maincustomer"
string mainCustomerLogicalName = "hos_maincustomer";
Object mainCustomerObj;
EntityReference mainCustomer;

//Check if the specified attribute is contained in the internal dictionary before you you try to Get its value
if (primaryEntity.Attributes.TryGetValue(mainCustomerLogicalName, out mainCustomerObj))
	if (mainCustomerObj != null)
		//Get value of Customer field and its attributes                                              
		mainCustomer = (EntityReference)mainCustomerObj;
		Guid guid = mainCustomer.Id;
		string entityName = mainCustomer.LogicalName;
		string name = mainCustomer.Name;

		//Set value of Customer field and its attributes                        
		primaryEntity[mainCustomerLogicalName] = new EntityReference("account", new Guid("2E4D98F9-8EF9-E911-A2E8-005056AE4389"));

Extra Details

The plugin demonstrated in this post was developed on Microsoft Dynamics 365 version and Microsoft Dynamics 365 SDK version